Full massage of the arms, legs and back, or partial massage of the neck and back. Supports blood circulation and metabolism. Excitation of receptors leads to improved blood flow, metabolism and nutrition in the tissues of the massaged area. Popular procedure with significant psychotherapeutic effects.
Massage using water jets combining the effects of a gentle warm bath and massage. Recommended in treating disorders of the musculoskeletal system and as a secondary therapy in treating psychosomatic diseases.
The procedure is not suitable for persons with high blood pressure or heart disease.
Highly specialised hand massage undertaken dry. Stimulates nerve endings in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles, thus helping remove reflexology changes in these tissues.
A procedure based on the mechanical excitation of the skin through jets of water and the application of heat and cold. Used in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system and in functional disorders of blood supply to arms and legs.